A poem for my queens.
"I have a dream that a black woman shall lead"
Mahogany brow, sepia, and fair skin...
Hair that ruffles from afros to coiled curls.
Backs that bend backward but never break.
Understanding of my race.
The smile bestowed upon a black woman's face.
From being beaten to raped and muted
No chance to speak
Just cook, clean, and take care of the kids.
To speak seemed to be forbid.
I have a dream that black woman shall lead
And no, I'm not talking bout the national anthem or my country's tears of thee.
The phantom of my ancestors shall rejoice.
Because we are more than entertainers
Our minds are wide.
Our beauty is something more than what's on the outside
Our pride shall never be stripped away
What you mean BGM? What it is that you're tryna say?
Pretty skin embraced with them negro roots..
Mouth open and we showed the world
The strength of black women
Not by being heard but seen
Truth to reality
We are the true queens
Written By: Charla Taylor